Friday, 25 July 2008

Lions And Daaaahlings

I'm shocking you, possibly
As you send your lions roar
and I approach too quietly
but firmly close your jaw
and sssssssssshhhhhh
The lioness makes the noise
her own roar rushing through her heart
A meeting of strength
brings quiet for a while
And enlightenment... *smile*
There is a point here
where she could lose something
It is important but
it intimidates the pack
and the intended target
She roars with such a force
that they have no choice but to run
and stay silent
Her roar continues
for days, months, weeks
but they dare not come back
In unexpected strength
the issue is pushed away
and nothing is solved amongst the din
Sitting, drinking, on the edge with a wonderful view
She holds her nose and jumps
unexpectedly.... into the blue
4 cups align nearby in dissatisfaction
indecision with many choices clouds her vision
Is it comfort? A warm slave to soothe her wounds
Or is it truth?
Hanging from the tree by one foot
I can see that coins are nothing more
than round objects
and then I look to you....
your shape and your retreat
and wonder if your value
was ever there at all
I right myself... I look a fool
I'm here amongst the cool folk
wanting to know everything about "daaahling"
and it's been a long time since I indulged that
So indulge it I did... with my mane
and my roar... but it's accepted
in aquaintance-lonely town
Drinks with everything
against a silk screen backdrop
moving on... noise again
send them back into a corner
well done ... thats 5 now
but I need this
You behind your rock
makes me sad
and I miss just being normal with that
fabulous shoes take me back
to claustrophobia
the way it always was
when i lived it 24/7
always out... networking
being gorgeous and fabulous
in labelled fabrics and the right bars
it's nostalgic in its loneliness
Everyone is here yet no one is there
my memories of when this was my life
rushing back... but still they are gone
It is most exciting yet the loneliest place in the world
A world full of networking, exciting little prison cells
When the doors are open and you're on the up
and IN... it's wonderful
So you can stand the end of the night despair
Rushing by so quickly... a fast, furious agenda
to not miss that person to give you a lift up
Finally anaesthetising your brain enough
to go home to no one
because you wont notice their absence
as you pass out on the bed

~ Copyright Charlotte Sometimes (SRWB) 2008

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