Friday, 12 November 2010


I'm strappin in for an impact
and listening to Floyd
The corners are calling themselves
I can hear them, in tolerant whispers
there are nothing but curves left in the room
The rain is relentless today 
I'll shine on alright
but I'm not a diamond (man)
more a lump of coal and sometimes crazy
12 years have passed and I haven't moved an inch
except to swirl in the maelstrom of utter chaos
You seemed to do it all right
still painful, but it had a process didnt it?
Your pegs moved one at a time until the square peg fit
the whirlwind brings only stasis in the end
Where do alter egos go when we switch out the lights?
Is there any end to the tongue tied shit they leave us with?
Grandma told me that there will always be one thing in your life that goes right
at any one time, but it can't all be right, all of the time
I'll just head for smooth and calm
I need peace (with a smile on its face)
and another cup of coffee

srwb 2010

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