Friday, 12 November 2010


A church roof leaks long awaited raindrops onto the lecturn
slow rot and which chapter next
make a sensation; feel something
pages float in the ether - not lost, just bored
keepers design blackout shutters to keep out anti-life
and banish a love that uses a ration-issued cloak to keep itself warm
it dies: over and over again
Stifling by its own intention/attention and that of its decaying environment
like Virginia's persistant cough and the planning involved in her untimely demise
Incessant; continuous in reanimation; necromancing the psyche
making paper stars to replace the shining death of those already lost
They hang on plastic leaves, with pin-point precision 
and logic; it can only arrive at a reapers door
Philandering with mean spirits and half-hearts brings new meaning
to words long forgotten; the gossips lean eagerly towards open doors
Catching a whisper of sometimes
of this downfall
To feel loved is essential; the largest part to fill my empty plate
Anything falling short is terminal
Breathing ether through synthetic fibres both agitates and calms fetid hearts
The hot, soapy water in the bucket starts to wash away the bloodied, cranial trophies
impaled, callously, along the white picket fence
I'm still alive

~ srwb 2010

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