Hung-over from a past early night
and the deficient marrow aches
of too much nothingness
intuitively lived and lied and felt
in headaches and yawning and stiffness
Today’s fortune is read in the mud
at the bottom of yesterdays coffee
Swallowed in bitterness (repentance for threepence?)
Tempered with the loss of sensation
a circular doorway brings as a constant
It was like a spell for a four year old
Turning off the lights
And turning around and around
Widdershins; without an opening
Or a prayer
Laughter in darkness
How cute?
The motion of the sun
In a hidden exit
became the story of a life yet to be fucked up
But only after that day…
I don’t think I ever
found my way out
Be dumb Leccie
Be stupid
Be dull and easy and clockwise
You won’t frighten people away
~ Leccie 2010
First comment here lovey! This, (as so often with your work) raises "the bar" for readers' to absorb on their own levels of "applicability." Is there such a thing as "rehab for stoicism" instilled/distilled from those "early night hang-overs?" Someday...we must talk. Adore the synapses you share doll! xoxo