Friday, 12 November 2010


Layer upon layer of fallacy in fake plaster
piled as hair, atop broken head; bejewelled
and senseless; begging eternally


Liberty is a loss with a glittering, svelte prize
Coating eyelashes,
curledand l-e-n-g-t-h-e-n-e-d
at elastics whim; a failure to be concealed
just enhanced, with a stab in the eye
(inside a mask of fuck-me and go-away)
Decisions: lost,lost,lost
Cadavers meddle with themselves
under transparent parasols; wetted (whetted?)
and wanting; hungry for denial's drug
shrinking the most solidified cores of resolve
A pencil's lead is worn and crumbled
a tip snapped and fractured in frustration
It's hidden lust entrapped until poised
gently upon it's tooth-rough goal of control

Ambitions are realised in the potential of tools
to create, in the harshest of lights, its muse
Posed, trying -and expelled from nature
Heartbreak and sorrow shows more here
than in the mirrored canvas, tacked
swinging from one corner, upon the wall
A snippet, a clip, a glimpse, a ride
a memory of nothing
That is not who we were.

Eyes are always hidden in sideways
or downward glances; knowing-looks
are lies; no more, no less
as the mass of hard-won ringlets
disguises, prettily, a need to succeed
at any cost, on any street, in any town
Homeless achievements in suitcases that
travel in time with fashionable changes
as ideas of delusions are acquired rapidly
in deceit and thoughtless vanity.

The menu is only scented, notflavoured
the aroma of cranberries and chopped fruit
(for chutney) is wasted upon the destroyed tongues
to which it is presented by invitation
(or the payment of a fiver, of course)
to be seen, IN; and ultimately thrown out
after questioning the Maitre Deeee, about bits in soup,
because your nut-intolerant brain is about to vomit
Stimulated in all the wrong ways,deliberately confused
it's adrenaline cheesecake for dessert, you didn't see that coming
Run, before you are forced to move
against your weakening will; sliding, slick
Join the chocolate-covered stick-insects in terrified queues
and marvel at how powder can be molded
into health - without vitality, or insulation.

The flames lick around the angles of malnourished frames
yet resolve is eyes-forward and complete
Reach down, inside, and drag out your troublesome gut
vacate your being, be absent(flush it!)
to visible street scenes and be at peace
Pin your many summons, arriving in delicate envelopes,
to cork boards in your unused kitchen
and admire them, as places and times
you neither visited...
nor experienced.

SRWB 2010

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