Monday 8 November 2010

Funeral For A Cat

It's a big box for a small body
"at least we're not diggin 6ft deep and 6ft wide"
No, it's not that bad yet
and clayed earth is a bastard at this time of year
Missed opportunities to lay everything to rest come and go
There just isn't a hole big enough today
and any old song makes the tears flow
so it's a silent house ...

when your budgie died you took it back
and they buried an empty box right?
I thought about it
The box has been on the shelf for 2 days
I cant keep it - can't bear to put it in the earth
but I don't want it to rot either
so the sensible decisions come thick and fast
and sensible always makes me cry
for days
maybe weeks

The thought of never seeing you again
is not a good one - it's really sad
Missing you in the flesh might be a focus for a while

deep enough - and covered
I walk inside without looking back
to scrub the stains from the carpet
with more tears than soapy water

~ SRWB 2010

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